See Hurricane Matthew Through The Eyes Of People Experiencing It

Hurricane Matthew, one of the most powerful storms in recent years, is expected to hit the Bahamas early Thursday morning and move on to Florida by Friday. People are already preparing for its landfall in the United States, while those in the wake of the storm deal with the aftermath.

Planes designed to fly into dangerous weather got some incredible aerial shots of the developing hurricane.

Hurricane Matthew as it develops

And of the eye of the storm as it headed towards Cuba.

Matthew over Cuba

As everyone rushes to prepare, basics like bread and water are disappearing from store shelves.

Empty shelves in Florida
More empty shelves

People hoping to get gas face massive lines as everyone tries to fill up their cars and backup generators.

Gas line
Video of gas line
Gas lines

Other stations are already empty.

Empty gas station

People on the coasts of Haiti and Cuba were in a similar situation earlier in the week. Flooding started well before the hurricane landed.

Flooding begins

A wall of rain, clouds, and wind hit Haiti and Cuba on Tuesday.

Matthew hits the Haiti

In Guantanamo Bay, the U.S. Navy set up emergency response stations in preparation for the storm.

Emergency prep in Guantanamo

Cuban and Haitian cities were obliterated as Matthew hit shore, leaving residents wandering through rubble-strewn streets and flooding.

Destroyed city
Flooding in the streets
Roadside flooding
Mother helping child in flood

Expect much more from the Bahamas and Florida as Matthew develops over the next few days.